
8,374 sq. ft

The Brief

Bespa was re-engaged by Jurassic Fibre, now rebranded as Cuckoo, to design and fit-out the first floor of their Pynes Hill office. The objective was to present a design and complete a fit-out to accommodate Cuckoo’s rapid growth and evolving team dynamics. The brief was to create an environment specifically designed for the business service departments, including IT, HR, Finance, and Marketing, allowing for future growth. The new space also needed to provide a flexible and inspiring collaboration and training area. In addition, the design and finishes throughout the Cuckoo office needed to be updated and aligned to reflect the new company brand.

The Space

Our objective was to create work space for business services, whilst addressing the specific needs of each department. The departments sit within a generous floor plate with large windows around the perimeter affording the workspace plenty of natural light.

To accommodate the requirements of each department, our design created distinct zones for each team and their working styles. For example: a quiet area provides a confidential space for HR and allows for more focus space for Finance, both of which are situated away from the Marketing and Customer Support teams where a dynamic and more collaborative space is required. Lockers with integral planters create zones for each department and provide storage for employees' personal belongings. The plants introduce natural elements into the workspace contributing to the creation of an uplifting environment.

Project Process

Bespa will break down their process here.
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Services Delivered

Creation of a new business services workspace for Cuckoo at their Head Office in Exeter.

A bespoke bench designed for IT was moved to the first floor and positioned in the centre of the office, enabling the provision of an accessible back up service to all Cuckoo employees. 

A variety of collaboration spaces in the form of large open areas and breakout spaces allow staff to spend time away from their workstation to work in a less formal environment. A tea-point, in addition to the main breakout on the ground floor, provides an additional space where employees can mingle and socialise.

Meeting rooms with integrated AV provide a facility for formal meetings and department catch-ups. A high bench huddle space provides a less formal meeting option within a semi-open plan space. Clever use of acoustic paneling accommodates AV equipment, with wall finishes in soft tones of the company brand colour providing a light and uplifting atmosphere.

An open training lounge was incorporated into the design using modular furniture, which offers flexibility for a number of configurations depending on the size and needs of the group. This is also designed to allow more than one session to be held at the same time. The soft modular sofas and stools are finished in a soft colour palette to reflect the company branding.

Freestanding acoustic booths provide a facility for quiet focus. Open end alcove booths with integrated IT have been built centrally for all staff to use for colleague catch-ups and an alternative workspace.

Cuckoo’s colour palette has been reflected in wall, floor and upholstery finishes. Together, with a furniture reconfiguration exercise to the ground and second floor office ensures that all three floors are aligned. 

Our design has resulted in an uplighting environment for Cuckoo’s teams to work independently yet with flexible collaboration, quiet and training spaces. The result produces a unified design reflecting the Cuckoo brand throughout. 

Process used for


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Bespoke Workspaces
Transform your workspace